Discussions were held today between the Indian Red Cross Society, the Karnataka State Branch and Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions and Each One Educate One Foundation to bring about transformational changes in women health, child health, rural education providing nutritional supplements to overcome malnutrition among pregnant women, children and anemic patients.
The Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch, has always believed in collaboration and association with various committed organisations to bring about changes in the lives of adolescent people to make our country better.
IRCS team comprised of Sri. Gopal B. Hosur IPS, Retd. Vice President and Sri S. Naganna Chairman of Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch, participated in the discussions with Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions and Each one Educate one foundation.
Intellectual brilliance, Compassionate Heart, and competent hands can make changes in this world. Let us join your hands with IRCS, KSB, in this transformational process for the benefit of all.