About Youth Red Cross
Indian Red Cross Society is a premier humanitarian organization which through its seven principles continued to do the activities which has been acclaimed by all sections of society nationally and internationally without any expectation.
Government of Karnataka has visualized the need for grooming the youths for the new generation and as come out with a historic order to enroll the youths by all colleges by affiliating to Indian Red Cross Society under the banner of Youth Red Cross. Each college is having a Youth Red Cross Unit and thereby the students of affiliated colleges become the ‘Ambassadors’ of Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch.

We are reminded of the famous quote of Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru the former Prime Minister of India that “The youth of today is the driving force of tomorrow”. It is our duty to mould the youth to become socially useful citizens of the country.
Each generation passes on the torch of development to the next. Hence it becomes the challenge for the present generation to groom the future of tomorrow and that is the ‘Youth’. Youth Red Cross it is a group movement organized for students in colleges.
- Member’s age group is 18 to 30 years, Registration fee for colleges is Rs.1500 (Onetime payment).
- Student membership fee is Rs.50/- per annum.
- Colleges have to send 30% of the membership fee Collected to the Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch.
- 70% of the membership fee Collected has to be retained by the respective colleges to carry out the Youth Red Cross Activities.
- Every College has a Programme Officer.
- Each University has a Nodal Officer.
- Each College has to open a separate Bank Accounts for Youth Red Cross, to be jointly operated by the principal and programme officer.

Youth Red Cross is a platform where youth can exhibit their talent, skills, knowledge, ability towards the welfare of the people and Primarily Youth Red Cross focuses on Health, Service & Friendship.
Activities of Youth Red Cross
- Promotion of Health, Awareness about HIV / AIDS
- Awareness campaign on hazards of drug addiction
- Awareness about Health programs, Service to others
- Providing First Aid for wounded / sick, Relief work during emergencies
- Dissemination of Red Cross Movement, Developing Friendship, State & National Integration Camps
- Communal harmony, Literacy campaign / youth exchange program
- Understanding & accepting of civil responsibilities.

Youth Red Cross volunteers are engaged in Covid-19 response

Youth Red Cross volunteers are engaged in North Karnataka Floods and other emergencies

youth red cross nodal officers meeting-2024




District level walkathon-2024
Organized Districts Names- Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Kolar, Chikkaballapura, Tumkur, Davangere, Hassan, Kodagu, Udupi, Mandya, Dakshinakannada, Vijayanagar,Gadag, Haveri, Kalburgi, Uttarakannada, Bidar, Raichur, Koppala and Dharwad
On the Occasion of World Peace Day. On September 21, 2024, district branches of the Indian Red Cross Society, under the Youth Red Cross wing, organized a Walkathon to celebrate World Peace Day. The event saw the enthusiastic participation of 20,000 students from various schools and colleges. The aim of the Walkathon was to promote the ideals of peace, unity, and harmony among the youth, encouraging them to be active contributors to a peaceful society. Several dignitaries were present to flag off the event, and students carried placards and banners with messages of peace. The walk covered several kilometers, with stops for speeches on the importance of global peace and the role youth can play in fostering it.

Youth Red Cross Trekking Camp
The Youth Red Cross Unit of M.E.S College of Commerce, Sirsi, successfully organized a trekking camp at Sanyasi Gudda Near Devanalli Sirsi , Uttarakannada District on 20/10/2024. This camp aimed to promote physical fitness, environmental awareness, and teamwork among participants, while also providing them with a chance to experience the natural beauty of the region. The Trek was 311 Mtrs Long started at 10:30AM and Ended at 11:45 AM. AM and Ended at 11:45 AM The participants thoroughly enjoyed the scenic trek, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie throughout the journey. This event marked yet another successful initiative by the Youth Red Cross Unit, encouraging active engagement and environmental stewardship Thank you to the YRC Program Officer, Mr. Sameer Gad, from MES College, Karnataka University, Dharwad, for his valuable support in making the trekking camp a success.

Pulse Of Youth

Youth Red Cross Policy, Administrative Directives & Program Guidelines
Affiliated Universities to Youth Red Cross
Dr. Satish Gowda,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Bangalore University
Assistant Professor, University Law College, Jnanabharathi Campus,
Bangalore Urban District.
Mob: 9916007211/ Off: 080-23214685
Email: nsathishgowda@gmail.com
Dr. Sumanth S. Hiremath
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Rani Channamma University
Belagavi – 591156
Mob: 9844774431
Email: yrcrcub@gmail.com
Dr. Kotresha D.
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Davanagere University
Associate Professor
Dept of Studies in Botany
Davangere- 577007
E-mail: dkotresh@davangereuniversity.ac.in
Dr. Kalavati H Kamble
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s University,
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Mob: 9986790913 Email: kalavati@kswu.ac.in
Prof. Basavaraj Sannakki,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Gulbarga University,
Jnanaganga-585 106
Mob: 94492 92894
Off: 08472-263202
Email: sannakki.phy@gmail.com
The Director,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Department of Technical Education,
Palace Road,
Bengalore-560 001,
Bangalore District
Email: director182016@gmail.com
Dr.Padmalatha N A
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer, School of Commerce & Management Studies
Dayananda Sagar University,
Innovation Campus,
Kudlu Gate, Hosur Main Road, Bangalore – 560068
Mobile No: 9902068885
Email Id: drpadmalatha-socm@dsu.edu.in
Dr. Prabha Swamy.S
Assistant Professor
Department of Manuseriptology
Karnataka Sanskrit University
Pampa Mahakavi Road,
Chamarajpet, Bangalore – 560018
karnatakasanskrituniversity@gmail.com, prabhus2021@gmail.com
Mob No: 94802075373
Mr. Manjunatha. Y
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
GM University
No. 8 to 42, Karur Industrial Area, PB Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka 577006
Dr Gulappa Devagappanavar,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University
Gadag, Old DC office Circle,
Raith Bhavan,Gadag-582101.
Mob: 7892213838
Email Id :- gulappa.md07dmr@gmail.com
Dr. Shrinivas R. Raikar
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer &
BLDE (Deemed to be University)
Associate professor
Department of Pharmacology
SHRI. B.M. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bangaramma Sajjan Campus, Solapur Road,
Vijayapura (Bijapura)-586103
Mob: 7093286624
Dr.M.k. Tandle
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Karnataka Veterinary Animal & Fisheries Sciences University
Director of Student Welfare,
Bidar-585 401
Mob: 9448569337
Email: dswkvafsu@gmail.com
Dr. Naveen Y.P.
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Adichunchanagiri University
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biochemistry
Adichunchanagiri School of Natural Science, B.G.Nagara – 571448, NH-75, Nagamangala Taluk,
Mandya District
Mob: 8197690627
Email: naveenyp@acu.ac.in
Dr. Govinda Gowda HG
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer, Bangalore Central University,
NSS and Indian Red Cross Society Nodal Officer, Central College Campus, Dr. Ambedkar VEedi, Bangalore – 560001 Mob: 9844169326 nssbcu@gmail.com gowda0212@gmail.com
Dr. Ravindra Gouda S.M
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Kuvempu University
Assistant Director of the Physical Education
Jnana Sahyadri,
Shimoga District.
Mob: 9886852688
Email: sportsravga@gmail.com
Dr. Gayathri N
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Mangalore University,
Department of History.
University College,
Mangalore- 575001
Mob: 9945990963
Email: gayathriaminmaroli@gmail.com
Sri. Vinay Kumar Hittalamani
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
VisvesvarayaTechnological University,
“Jnana Sangama”,
Belgagavi-590 018,
Belgaum District.
Mob: 7406091923
Dr. Rangaswamy D
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Karnataka State Law University,
Assistant Professor of Law
Navanagar, Hubballi- 580025
Mob: 9964286178
Email: glcrswamy@gmail.com
Dr. Vasantha Shetty,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka
4th T Block,Jayanagar,
Bengaluru District
Email: registrar@rguhs.ac.in
Ph: 080-26961928/1947
Dr. Vijendra Kumar
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
PES University
Outer Ring Road, Banashankari, 3rd Stage, Banashankari, Bengaluru – 560085
Mob No: 9741056503
Email: admissions@pes.edu
Ms. Hajeera Nasreen
Chamarajanagara University
Suvarnagangotri, Chamarajanagara,
Karnataka – 571313,
Mob: 9035385707
Mr. Somapalli Venkatesulu
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Kishkinda University
City Campus @ ballari Business College, Siraguppa Road
Mobile: -9986033699
Dr. Sri. Lakshmi,
Associate Professor,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Education Extension Department
College of Home Science
Maharani Cluster University,
Palace Rd, opposite Freedom Park, Racecourse, Gandhi Nagar, Bengaluru – 560001
Mob No: 9964744931
Dr. M. Mune Gowda
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
REVA University
Rukmini Knowledge Park,
Kattigenahalli Yelahanka,
Bangalore 560064
Mob: 9972303399
Email: munegowda.m@reva.edu.in
Dr. M Ravi
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Assistant Professor
M.Sc,M.Phil, Ph.D
Department of Computer Science,
University, Raichur,
Red Cross SDRT Member & Resource Person, Govt. First Grade College, Raichur.
M- +91-9945436923
E-mail: ravimsk27@gmail.com
Dr. Lokesh A
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Assistant Professor
Department : Economics
St. Joseph’s University Bengaluru
St Joseph’s University,
36 Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027,
Email: lokesh.a@sju.edu.in
Mobile No: 9916646470
Dr. Geeta Tamgale,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad
Assistant Professor,
Dept. Of Extension & Communication Management,
College of Community Science
Dharwad -580005
Email: tamagales@uasd.in
Mobile No: 9448552745
Dr. K. Narayan
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Bangalore North University
Govt. First Grade College
K.R. Puram
Mob: 8073936448
Email : knarayana67@gmail.com
Dr. Poornima Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer, Tumkur University,
University office, B.H.Road, Tumkur-572 103,
Tumkur District
Mob: 7899574890 Email: samrudhpoornagirish@gmail.com
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer &
Associate Professor
VSK University,
Jnana Sagara Campus, Cantonment
Mob: 7204508224
Email: nalluprasad80@gmail.com
Dr. S. G. Chalavadi,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Karnataka University,
Pavate Nagar,
Dharwad-580 003,
Dharwad District.
Mob: 8970276353
Office: 0836-2215257
Email: drsgchalawad@gmail.com
Dr. Divakar Chandy,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
University of Mysore
University Evening College,
Vishwavidyalaya Karya Soudha,
Craford Bhavan,
Mysore-570 005
Ph: 99865 30122
Email: diwakarchandy1@gmail.com
Dr. Bhavani
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
University of Agriculture Sciences
GKVK, Bangalore – 560065
Mob: 9739937377
Email: harinikumarkm@gmail.com
Prof. Rajanna
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Agriculture University,
UAS Campus, Lingasugur Road,
Mob: 9448807931
Email: rajannauas@gmail.com
Dr. Santanu Saha,
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Nitte (Deemed to be University)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy,NGSMIPS,
Kotekat Beeti Road,
Deralakatte, Mangalore-575018
Mob: 9916222729
Email: yrc@nitte.edu.in
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
Kodagu University
Jnana Kaveri Campus, Chikkaaluvara,
Kushalnagar, Kodagu- 571232
Mob No: 9845821071
Kodagu University: 8660857379
Prof. Nithyashree.B.V
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Yenepoya (Deemed to be Univresity)
Deralakatte Mangaluru – 575018 Dakshina Kannada District
Email: nitya.bv@gmail.com
Mob: 9480230906
Dr. Rajashekhar M. Hiremath.
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer University of Horticultural Sciences
Deputy Director of Student’s Welfare,
Bagalkote – 587104.
Mob: 9448647003
Email: pressports9@gmail.com
Dr. Balabheem Saibanna
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
Nrupathunga University
Nrupathunga Road,
Bengaluru – 560001
Mob No: 91 9448963204
Email- balabheem.21@gmail.com
Dr. Sanjay V Kotabagi
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer,
KLE Technological University,
Professor-School of Mechanical Engineering
Dean- Student Affairs
B.V. Bhoomaraddi College Campus
Vidyanagar, Hubballi: 580 031
Mob: 9448564580
Email: dean_sw@kletech.ac.in
Dr.Rajeshwari S. Mathad
Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer
Bagalkot University
Mudhol Road, Jamkhandi – 587301,
Bagalkot District
Emailid: bgkujkd@gmail.com
Tel No: (08353)295123,295124
Mob No: 9480536112
Register: rebgku@gmail.com
Vice Chancellor: vcbgku@gmail.com