Karnataka Red Cross started optical unit in Minto Hospital, Bangalore in 1987 with an objective of helping the poor people. Our optical unit sells the opticals at a very low cost reasonable rate. That is why unit is running very effectively and has become very useful to the people. The punk goggles are sold at Rs. 30/-a piece where as it costs more than Rs.150/- in the market. Sometimes these are given free of cost also for the poor cataract operated patient
The optical unit was running in a very old small building given by Minto Hospital authorities. The building was in bad condition. Therefore Karnataka State Branch got renovated the building by spending about Rs.7 lakhs. This renovation has a positive effect on the unit’s business.
Smt. Sudha Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Foundation inaugurated the renovated optical unit on 26/10/2016.
During 2016-17 first half of the year total sale was 1845 spectacles and during 2nd half of the year i.e. after renovation the sales went up and it was 2623.
The renovation was done out of its savings and during the last 10 years, the unit has received a donation of Rs. 5,65,500 out of which Smt. Sudha Murthy alone has given Rs. 5 lakhs in 2009.